2024 Fall Member Forum | Virtual
This quarterly member meeting gave members a chance to catch up with their peers and learn what our members the state are doing to meet their goals. This event included member presentations on recent climate and energy work and learnings, a member networking session and updates from our friends at M.Cubed and the California Climate and Energy Collaborative.
Member Presentations
- Felicia Federico and Julie Castro, The Energy Coaltion
- Eliott Whitehurst, Sonoma County
- Tobias Barr, Department of General Services
- Richard McCann, M.Cubed
Summer Member Forum | June 24, 2024 | Palm Springs, CA
LGSEC was pleased to have over 40 members participate in our Member Forum in Palm Springs on June 24th. This event offered a great opportunity for members to connect, hear updates, receive a dynamic regulatory update from our consultant Steven Moss, and discuss advancing in the regulatory space, especially in distributed energy resources and data access.
The day started with Demian Hardman-Saldana from Contra Costa County discussing their proposed energy code amendment. Daniel Soltero from WRCOG updated us on the Inland Regional Energy Network (I-REN) and their 2023 accomplishments. We also heard from Industry Partner, Scale Microgrids, about their microgrid projects with various jurisdictions.
Steven Moss’s regulatory update covered LGSEC comments to the CPUC on rulemakings to modernize the electric grid, establish energization timelines, and consider data access and use. He proposed engaging in a rulemaking to update safety, reliability, and resiliency rules, emphasizing the complexity of the regulatory system. Take a look at the member and reglatory update slides here!
Members then participated in group discussions on opportunities related to DERs, data needs for planning, developing climate action, transportation, and land use plans, and other topics. The breakout sessions were highly engaging, and the data gathered will inform our future comments on these proceedings.
The day ended with a networking reception to connect, relax, and prepare for the California Climate and Energy Forum the next day.
Member Presentations
- County of Contra Costa Department of Conservation & Development | Demian Hardman-Saldana, Principal Planner
- Western Riverside Council of Governments | Daniel Soltero, Program Manager
- Scale Microgrids | Tim McDuffie, Business Development Manager
- M.Cubed | Steven Moss, LGSEC Regulatory Consultant

At the Table: Local Governments’ Role in Energy Regulation | September 22, 2022
- Steven Moss, M.Cubed, LGSEC Regulatory Consultant, Partner
- Alelia Parenteau (she/her), City of Santa Barbara, Sustainability & Resilience Director
- Jennifer Berg (She/Her), BayREN, Director, Energy Programs
- Garrett Wong (he/him/his) (Moderator), County of Santa Barbara, Climate Program Manager

LGSEC Members Only Event | September 21, 2022
Member Presentations
- City of Santa Monica | Ariana Vito, Acting Sr. Sustainability Analyst, Climate, Energy & EV Policy
- Redwood Coast Energy Authority | Aisha Cissna, Regulatory & Legislative Policy Manager
- County of San Mateo | Susan Wright, Sustainability Program Manager
LGSEC/CCEC Joint Event: Shaping the Future of California’s Building Performance Standards – Local Government Processes and Grid Implications | Tuesday, March 22, 2022
- Moderator: Marc Costa, Board Chair, LGSEC
- Moderator: Angie Hacker, Statewide Best Practices Coordinator, California Climate and Energy Collaborative
- Senator Josh Becker, California State Senator, 13th Senate District
- Cliff Majersik, Senior Advisor, Policy and Programs, Institute for Market Transformation
- Barbara Locci, Conservation Specialist, City of Chula Vista
- Lynne Kiesling, Research Professor & Co-Director, Institute for Regulatory Law & Economics, University of Colorado
LGSEC Forum – Empowering Each Other: How Climate and Energy Experts Can Coordinate Change | October 28, 2021
With new funding coming from the state and federal government, now is the time to lift up those who need to be heard, and coordinate to share resources in moving climate solutions forward. Join the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition (LGSEC) on Thursday, October 28 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm to hear from state and local leaders on various community engagement, funding, and collaboration tactics as related to energy resiliency, grid modernization, and public health and safety. The event includes keynote speakers, panel discussions as well as a networking lunch session from 12-12:30 pm to connect with local governments, CBOs, nonprofit and industry leaders attending the forum.
LGSEC Climate & Energy Leaders Forum | March 30, 2021
LGSEC’s first members-only forum of 2021 was on March 30, 2021. Members shared their organization’s most recent updates via a written or verbal update. This event included 3-4 member presentations on recent climate and energy work and learnings, and concluded with a member networking session. Join LGSEC to get more familiar with the work that fellow LGSEC members are doing and take advantage of this time to learn from each other.
Forging Ahead: Opportunities for the Next Decade | December 1, 2020
The overlapping health, economic and racial crises have exposed both challenges and opportunities to address the urgent effects of the climate crisis. LGSEC’s members-only meeting on Tuesday, December 1st heard representatives from the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) discuss financing opportunities for 2021. LGSEC members and colleagues working across the state reconnected to reflect on their collective wins in 2020 and the last decade of climate work.
Energy Disruption: How Local Governments Can Respond to the New Normal | January 31, 2020
Leading energy and climate practitioners, state agencies, local jurisdictions, and elected officials joined the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition (LGSEC), for LGSEC’s quarterly forum on January 31, 2020 from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM in San Diego. This workshop featured presentations on the role of local governments in supporting energy resilience, and opportunities to meet California’s climate ambitions and mandates. The meeting also featured a regulatory update by LGSEC regulatory consultant and an opportunity for participants to share best practices from the field.

August Quarterly Meeting
LGSEC was pleased to co-sponsor with Central Coast Climate Collaborative (4C) on their Annual Symposium on August 14th in San Luis Obispo. The theme this year was Climate Risk, Equity and Practicing Resilience. LGSEC’s Regulatory Consultant – Steve Moss – gave a Regulatory Update at this meeting.
The 4C Annual Symposium highlighted ongoing work by regional and state adaptation practitioners on the topics of Equity, Adaptation Legislation, and Climate Risk while promoting opportunities for networking and updates from the various organizations involved in protecting the Central Coast from climate-related hazards.
This date was intended to align with those planning to attend the California Climate Action Planning Conference on August 15-16th at Cal Poly SLO.

LGSEC All-Members Strategic Planning Meeting | June 2019 Forum
LGSEC was founded to be the climate and energy policy voice for local governments across California. Since our last strategic meeting, there have been many disruptive events and changes, presenting new challenges and opportunities for local governments. Your voice is needed now to shape the direction and policy priorities of LGSEC’s work.
During this all day meeting, we discussed current and emerging priorities for local governments and work together to shape LGSEC’s direction and priorities for the coming years. This meeting featured brief presentations by Michael McCormick of Harris and Associates (formerly of the Office of Planning and Research) for a presentation of the “State of the Local” and Lillian Mirviss, Gov’t Affairs at OhmConnect to share an example of innovation in energy equity. Our day of facilitated discussion and planning and your participation ensures that LGSEC’s goals and priorities serve your interests!

October Forum | Disasters and Energy Resilience: Keeping The Lights On In Our Darkest Hour
You are invited to join the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition (LGSEC) for a one-day information and networking forum for California local government energy and climate professionals on Thursday, October 25th from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM at the Santa Rosa Veteran’s Memorial Center followed by a energy and resilience-focused tour on Friday October 26th!
With an emphasis on local government stakeholders, the forum will explore current planning and communications at the utility and local government interface; discussion among California’s local leaders who will share experiences and lessons learned before, during, and after disasters, including the firestorms of 2017; and what needs to be done now to include energy resilience in preparing for future disaster response and recovery.
The importance of energy resilience during a disaster
Energy systems are vulnerable to extreme events; earthquakes, wildfires, winter storms and rising sea levels can all damage critical energy infrastructure. When electricity infrastructure is damaged in the wake of natural disasters, or when electrical service is interrupted unexpectedly, it can have wide-ranging impacts. Essential response and recovery services can be seriously impaired. Wildfires, storms and earthquakes may be out of human control, but preparing for them and their aftermath, is not.
Through discussion, hands-on exercises and peer networking, forum participants will come away with an understanding of current regulatory and legislative actions, information, tools, and resources and an actionable road map to improve energy resilience in their community.
Santa Rosa Junior College Microgrid Tour – FREE!
Extend your trip and stick around for the Disasters and Energy Resilience Microgrid Tour on Friday, October 26th at 9:00 – 11:00 AM. The tour will take place at Santa Rosa Junior College who has a Vision for being a leader in Sustainability and creating a “Strong Culture of Sustainability” both for it college campuses and the community at large.
The tour will begin with a review of the process taken by a public agency to analyze at a high level what it takes to have a microgrid, discuss how senior-level managers were included in the design process and the eventual approval by the District’s governing board to develop a microgrid. This will be followed by a review of the current microgrid design, completed infrastructure to date and future infrastructure integration. A tour will take place that will show currently completed infrastructure as well as old infrastructure that will be retrofitted to integrated into the future microgrid.
April Forum | Energy Storage: Meeting California’s Clean and Reliable Energy Goals
The Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition (LGSEC) and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) invite you to register for a one-day informational and networking forum for California local government energy professionals on Monday, April 23rd from 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM. The event will take place at SMUD’s Customer Service Center building at 6301 S Street, Sacramento, CA in the Rubicon Room, on the first floor.
April’s meeting will focus on Energy Storage: Meeting California’s Clean and Reliable Energy Goals. Speakers will provide valuable insights on California�™s Energy Storage roadmap, the state of the technology, emerging policy, decision-making tools for implementation and first-hand project experience.
Confirmed Speakers
- Deepak Aswani | Project Manager, Electric Transportation Energy Research and Development, SMUD
- Rick Brown | President, Terraverde Energy, LLC.
- Michael Carpol | Manager, Commercial solar and Storage Sales, Tesla
- Rahul Chopra | Senior Advisor, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Jessie Denver | Energy Program Manager, City and County of San Francisco, Department of the Environment
- Rachel DiFranco | Sustainability Manager & Smart City Co-Facilitator, City of Fremont
- Angelina Galiteva | Board Member, California Independent System Operator (CAISO), and Founder and President, Renewables 100 Policy Institute
- Jonathan Hart | Senior Specialist, Technology Integration, Center for Sustainable Energy
- Lou Jacobson | Director of Demand Side Management, Redwood Coast Energy Authority
- Danny Kennedy | Managing Director, California Clean Energy Fund (CalCEF/CalCharge)
- Irene Moosen | Regulatory Consultant, Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition
January Forum| The Promise of Microgrids
Confirmed Microgrid Speakers
- Local Government Panel Moderator: Demetra McBride, Division Manager, Environmental Initiatives, County of Los Angeles
- Mike Gravely, Research Program Manager, California Energy Commission
- Neil Matouka, Energize Fresno Program Manager, Local Government Commission
- Dr. Scott Samuelsen, Director, Advanced Power and Energy Program, National Fuel Research Center, & UCI Combustion Laboratory
- Katie Van Dyke, Climate Action Program Manager, City of Berkeley
- Byron Washom, Director of Strategic Energy Initiatives, UC San Diego
- Dr. Frank Wasko, Program Director, Clean Coalition
- Garrett Wong, Senior Sustainability Analyst, Climate & Energy, City of Santa Monica
ZNE Workshop for Local Governments
- A comprehensive climate and energy regulatory and legislative update
- Opportunity to discuss LGSEC’s draft Local Government Energy Efficiency Program Administration Business Plan
- Case studies on public agency best practices for completing EE projects on the pathway to ZNE
- New programs, tools, and research to support local government ZNE policy and plan development
- Case studies and emerging trends for ZNE buildings
2017 Business of Local Energy Symposium
Friday, May 5th, 2017
Hyatt Regency Long Beach
200 South Pine Avenue
Long Beach, California, 90802
The Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition co-organized the 2017 Business of Local Energy Symposium along with the Local Government Commission and the Center for Climate Protection. At nearly 400 attendees, this year’s symposium engaged local government and agency staff, energy experts, and community leaders on how to advance Community Choice Energy throughout the state. View presentations, photos, and other resources from the event here: https://climateprotection.org/our-work/symposium-2017/
Understanding Community Choice Energy:
A Forum for California Local Governments
Monday, May 18, 2015
8:30 AM – 4:45 PM
(Reception: 4:45 PM – 6:00 PM)
Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles
506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071
The Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition (LGSEC) in partnership with LEAN Energy US organized a day-long Community Choice Energy Forum for local government decision-makers, staff members and key stakeholders on May 18th in downtown Los Angeles.
Over the last five years, Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) has become an increasingly popular option among local governments interested in providing greater customer choice, cleaner power and competitive energy pricing. Communities throughout the state have founded or joined existing CCA programs and numerous other communities are in the process of conducting research and feasibility studies.
Final Program
Event Brochure
Introductory CCA Webinar Presentation