Aisha serves as Senior Policy Manager at San Diego Community Power, the lead administrator for the San Diego Regional Energy Network (SDREN). She leads monitoring, analysis, and advocacy across various policy areas including energy efficiency, building decarbonization, clean energy financing, customer disconnections, and long-term gas planning.

She is passionate about advocating for policy outcomes that will bring energy efficiency services, decarbonization technology, and workforce development programs to underserved and hard-to-reach communities throughout San Diego, and California as a whole.

Aisha has worked in the local government energy space for more than 10 years on a variety of sustainable energy initiatives including community choice energy, climate action planning, and clean transportation. Preceding her time with SDREN, Aisha’s policy work spanned the legislature and numerous regulatory agencies including the CEC, CARB, CAISO, and CPUC on matters ranging from clean energy procurement, reliability, resilience, and offshore wind.

Aisha is a firm believer in the power of Community Choice Energy and Regional Energy Networks to achieve an equitable, affordable, and clean energy future.